Greek Shadow Theatre data file / base

Introductory note

Over the last decades, a very comprehensive bibliography has been gathered – mainly of a very popularizing character – intended for updating the wide audience.

In the 80’s, after the creation of the doctoral thesis of Walter Puchner, important scientific works started to make their appearance. Puchner, from time to time, published bibliographical catalogues in the magazine “Laografia” (Λαογραφία)(1976-78 and 1979-81) and “Parabasis” (Παράβασις) (2009). The most recent catalogue was published in 2012.

Bibliographical catalogues are also included in studies of a more general character, as well as in postgraduate works and doctoral thesis from both Greek and foreign universities.

One of the major problems is the apparent lack of bibliography in other languages, fact that sets the difficulties for the foreign audience to get to know the Greek Shadow Theatre.

The subject of this program is not only the localization and listing of this bibliographical material in a detailed database, but also its acquisition by means of:

  • buying or donations
  • photocopies
  • digitization of the articles published in daily and periodical press, and of the publications in scientific journals, collectable volumes and transcript of meetings.


The final aim of this program is the creation of a complete, conventional and digital library about the Greek Shadow Theatre, that will be at the disposal of Greek and foreign researchers in the Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies of Granada.

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